Fostering a Culture of Inclusivity at Your Market
This fact sheet, created by Wholesome Wave, explores how to ensure that your market is a place where everyone feels welcome.
This fact sheet, created by Wholesome Wave, explores how to ensure that your market is a place where everyone feels welcome.
Tracking your market’s cumulative gross sales provides essential information about the success of your market. This tool provides a simple, anonymous method for collecting vendor sales info.
Rapid Market Assessment (RMA) is a simple tool that markets can use to take a snapshot of a given market day. To be most effective, it is best to plan regular RMAs throughout the market season; however, even just conducting the assessment once will collect a lot of information about customer habits and perceptions, market successes and challenges, and areas of the market that can be improved.
The full RMA consists of three components, which can be done together or individually:
Thanks to Rose Wilson of Rosalie J. Wilson Business Development Services for preparing this tool, which is designed to help track and plan markets’ financial progress.
Learn helpful sales strategies at farmers markets from Gail Hayden, Director of the California Farmers’ Market Association.
As part of the USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program project, NOFA-VT has worked with select farmers markets around the state to help them collect data using customer surveys, visitor counts, and gross sales tracking. The goal is to develop detailed resources to support more markets to implement and use these data collection methods. In this toolkit, we are sharing such resources with detailed instructions and data collection templates for you to use at your own market as well as ideas for how to use this data to help support your market.
Pollinators like honey bees, wild bees, and other insect species critical to our food supply
This 'Farmers Market Management Skills' resource produced by the University of California UC Farm Center provides an overiew of different types of boards, the responsibilities of the board of directors, manager's relationship to the board, and strategies for strengthening the board.
Thanks to Jim LeFevre of LeFevre & Associates for sharing this powerpoint about building the right board for your market. You will find an overview of the stages of board development and ideas to consider when developing your board.