Understanding Mastitis to Produce Quality Milk: Dairy Herd Health Workshop Series

Participants will see how Rebop Farm maintains their low somatic cell counts and exceptional milk quality. Learn more about milk quality from the udder to the bulk tank, plus causes, types and prevention of mastitis.

UVM Extension is offering a Dairy Herd Health workshop series from July--November, hosted by veterinarian Dr. Dayna Locitzer. The series starts with 3 on-farm sessions this summer, followed by 3 webinars this fall.

Gardening 101 Workshop Series- Harvest

Have you always wanted to grow vegetables but never been sure where to start? Do you have some land – or just a few pots on the deck – clearly waiting for a few heads of lettuce, some glorious beets or delicious squash? Would you like to grow your own herbs or tomatoes, but have been afraid to try? This class is for you! You will learn what you need to plan a garden, plant it, manage it, and harvest your own produce. You don’t need any previous experience or a “green thumb” – just a little bit of soil and a willingness to learn.

International Agritourism Workshop

The International Workshop on Agritourism will take place in person on August 30 - September 1, 2022 in Burlington, Vermont, USA. We are designing this Workshop to be a hybrid event to allow those unable to travel to have access to content as well as a variety of other ways for all participants to engage and connect with colleagues in the agritourism community. We hope this hybrid option provides flexibility and the convenience of being able to participate remotely.

Raising Goats & Small Ruminants

Morgan and Chad Beckwith have been raising and grazing goats since 2016, producing raw goat milk for kefir, yogurt, and various kinds of cheese. Meet the goats and learn about herd health, grazing management for milk production and parasite resistance, tending mammas, kidding, and kid-raising. See Ice House Farm’s regenerative practices to sequester carbon and increase biodiversity in action. Ask questions about problem solving livestock management and being thoughtful caretakers of land and beast.

Raising Healthy Heifers: Dairy Herd Health Workshop Series

The Taconic End Farm tour focuses on how they raise calves and best practices to consider when raising replacements. Grazing expert Sarah Flack discusses pasture management for heifers. Topics will include colostrum management, milk feeding, housing, scours, and calfhood pneumonia.

UVM Extension is offering a Dairy Herd Health workshop series from July--November, hosted by veterinarian Dr. Dayna Locitzer. The series starts with 3 on-farm sessions this summer, followed by 3 webinars this fall.

Bird and Bee Friendly Gardening with Gwen Causer

Late summer is an excellent time to create habitat for the birds and the bees in your garden. Join us for a late-season gardening workshop and birding outing. We’ll focus on providing food for late-season pollinators in your garden and think ahead to providing food in every season for wildlife. We’ll talk about Audubon’s Plants for Birds database and have a conversation about the power of native plants to help grow a better world for birds and bees. This is also a birding event!

Gather & Grow: 2nd Annual Anderbell Acres Perennial Plant Swap

Share your extra blooms and find something new at our 2nd annual perennial plant swap. Free if you bring a healthy plant to swap, or $5 per plant taker. Enjoy a walk among our gardens and take in the mountain views. RSVP encouraged by emailing [email protected].

Please label, or be prepared to label your plants by name & color to exchange. Pest/disease-free potted, bagged, or bare root plants accepted. Rain or shine event. No smoking or pets permitted on property.