A Farmer's Winter Blessing

'Twas two days before Christmas and all through the house

I fretted and grumbled and started to grouse

Family was coming, they'd need to be fed

What would I make, did I have enough bread?

With lists in my pocket and visions in mind

I went to the porch to see what I'd find

And there on the table in bags and in crates

Lay the fixings for meals that would fill all our plates

Carrots squash onions, spinach and beets

Potatoes sweet and gold, kale and leeks

Apples and garlic, thyme and rosemary

Bread from a friend and jams of raspberry

Down in the freezer, chicken beef and some pork

Pull out the wine, pop open the cork!

Now gathered at table, we toast bountiful yields

Nurtured and harvested with love from our fields


By maria buteux reade, 2017