On-Farm Summer Events

Text reads "workshops and socials"

Each year, NOFA-VT presents a series of community-building events on farms across the state of Vermont.

Workshops provide opportunities to dig into exciting food-system topics and/or learn new skills. Or, join us for a more casual affair and enjoy a wood-fired pizza dinner and a farm tour at one of our pizza socials. 

Please note that these events are held on working farms. Farmers request that you kindly leave your dogs at home and closely supervise young kiddos!


Have a question about this event series? Please reach out to NOFA-VT Events Coordinator, Hannah Sporn at [email protected] or our office at 802-434-4122.

Interested in volunteering at NOFA-VT's summer events? We welcome your helping hands! Click here to sign up.

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On-Farm Workshops

Pizza Socials

Farmer Olympics


2024 On-Farm Workshops

Learn on-farm alongside other farmers, gardeners, environmentalists, and food enthusiasts!

Please pre-register! Workshops prices vary. 

We aim to keep our event prices low, but if registration is a barrier, please reach out about scholarships. NOFA-VT offers the option of free registration to anyone who identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC) in an effort to actively work toward dismantling systems of racism that have historically disadvantaged BIPOC and continue to do so today. Learn more.

A Tiger Swallowtail butterfly pollinates colorful yellow and purple flowers

Sun., 7/14 | Land Care for Pollinators and Other Wildlife (Cornwall)

Cultivate diversity on your land, one step at a time! Join Emily May from the Xerces Society along with Bethany Barry and Fran Putnam from Pollinator Pathway of Addison County to learn how to manage land to support pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. Emily will share tips for creating a long-term plan to care for biodiversity on your land, followed by a tour of Birdsong Acres to explore various land care practices, including pollinator gardening, meadow management, and invasive species removal. This workshop is great for anyone looking to care for biodiversity on land they steward, whether it's a small garden plot or multiple acres!

Brot Bakehouse bakery as seen from their flower-filled front lawn

Thurs., 7/25 | Cottage Baking With Local Grains (Fairfax)

*sold out*

Join us for a hands-on baking workshop with local grains and sourdough at Brot Bakehouse School and Kitchen in Fairfax. Learn all about the beauty (and challenges) of natural bread making with local grains. Discuss the principles of natural fermentation in bread making and topics ranging from allergy-friendly baking to selling and marketing bread locally. Then, get your hands into the (sour-)dough to make a natural leavened flatbread. The workshop ends with a bake-off and a sensory tasting of different breads made with locally grown wheat, rye, and corn. The workshop is designed for farmers and bakers who would like to start baking and sell directly to customers, supplement a CSA, bake for a farmers market, or open up a small cottage bakery, although it is also open to home bakers.

Union Brook Farm

Mon., 7/29 & Thurs., 8/1 | Farm Dreams (Online & Northfield)

Do you have a dream of starting a farm? Join us this summer for Farm Dreams to explore your farm vision, connect with other aspiring farmers, learn about resources for beginning farmers in Vermont, and grow your understanding of farm business management and land access. This two-part series will cover the basics and provide structured activities for you to develop your vision. You will leave with an action plan to support you in making your farm dream a reality. 

Part one will take place in person at Union Brook Farm in Northfield. Part two will take place virtually, via Zoom. Participants are strongly encouraged to join for both parts but for accessibility, there is an option to join for the virtual part only.

Two farmer faces peeking out of lush high-tunnel tomatoes at Joe's Brook Farm

Wed., 8/14 | Protected Growing With High Tunnels in a Changing Climate (East Thetford)

In our changing climate, many farms are utilizing protected growing spaces to have more control over aspects like temperature and water. Commercial growers, learn about siting a new high tunnel and managing water, heat, and wind for new and existing structures. Tour protected growing spaces at Cedar Circle Farm and learn how to address different high tunnel concerns with experts from UVM Extension. This workshop earns one RAP Agricultural Water Quality education credit.

pumpkin harvest at Earth Sky Time Community Farm

Wed., 8/21 | Organic Methods for a Thriving Vegetable Farm (Manchester)

Innovative organic practices contribute to a thriving diversified farm. Join for a workshop at Earth Sky Time Community Farm aimed at commercial growers of all scales and see some of the farm's many organic practices at work. Tour the farm with Bonnie and Oliver of Earth Sky Time along with Becky Maden, UVM Extension Nutrient Management Specialist, to learn about how their 5 acres of no-till permanent beds are maintained without disposable plastics, understand their method of planting soil blocks on bare ground with a water wheel transplanter, mulching crops with a modified manure spreader, green chopping adjacent pasture for mulch, prepping beds with specialized equipment, and irrigating with a modular system. Plus, meet Vermont Organic Farmers staff to ask your burning organic certification questions and learn about the Transition to Organic Partnership Program. This workshop earns one RAP Agricultural Water Quality education credit.

Willow basket weaved with willows from Cloudwater Farm

Sun., 9/8 | Working and Weaving with Willow (Warren)

*sold out*

Willow trees provide increasingly vital ecosystem services as riparian buffers: they mitigate the effects of flooding and rapidly absorb excess nutrients. In addition to aiding Vermont’s flood-prone landscapes, willow is an excellent local weaving material. In this workshop, tour Cloud Water Farm’s willow plantings and learn about the ecological roles of different willow varieties. After learning about the source of the weaving material, learn how to weave your own willow napkin holder. This workshop is great for anyone who is looking to learn more about how to utilize willow as a local weaving material and for folks looking to start a willow planting on their land.

agroforestry plantings on a farm

Wed., 9/11 | Preparing the Ground for Successful Agroforestry Plantings (Shelburne)

Farmers, are you looking for a natural climate solution to build resilience while expanding products and enterprises? Agroforestry practices are becoming increasingly popular with Vermont farms. This workshop will cover site preparation, a critical component of successful agroforestry plantings. Tour Bread & Butter Farm and discuss soil types, hydrology, seeds, biostimulants, fertilizers, and the equipment being used (including a demonstration of the RipSower). Plus, meet Vermont Organic Farmers staff to ask your burning organic certification questions. 

colorful fresh-cut flower bouquet held by farmer Laura Xiao of By Hand Farm

Sun., 9/15 | Small-Scale Cut Flower Production & Floral Design Basics (Newfane)

Learn how to garden like a cut-flower farmer! Using primarily no-till cultivation methods and hand tools, Laura Xiao of By Hand Farm grows cut flowers on a small plot of leased land. During a tour of the farm, Laura will share cultivation and harvesting techniques as she takes you through the variety of flowers she grows. Following the tour, Laura will lead a demo on basic principles of floral design, where attendees will have the chance to play with flowers and arrange their own bouquets to take home. This workshop is perfect for gardeners and homesteaders looking to begin or innovate their cut flower production.

radish harvest at Evening Song Farm

Tues., 9/24 | Climate Adaptation and Soil Health Practices (Shrewsbury)

For 12 years, the farmers at Evening Song Farm have focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation by improving soil health and fertility with management strategies such as no-till planting through cover crop residue, undersowing cash crops, and transplanting through clover sod. Fellow farmers are invited to learn about the implementation of organic practices at two different scales through a tour of Evening Song Farm accompanied by Spencer Blackwell of Elmer Farm in East Middlebury. Plus, learn about organic certification and how adaptation planning can identify strategies and prioritize actions that will increase water quality, farm success, and resilience. This workshop earns one RAP Agricultural Water Quality education credit.

Intervale Community Farm and Digger's Mirth as seen from overhead

Sun., 10/20 | Adapting to Farming in a Flood Plain (Burlington)

Much of Vermont’s most agriculturally important lands are located in low-lying areas prone to flooding. Though flooding enriches soils and enhances farm productivity, it also poses serious challenges to food safety, natural resource management, and long term farm business viability. Farmers, join us in exploring how two established farms in Burlington’s Intervale are navigating the complexities of floodplain farming. Plus, meet Vermont Organic Farmers staff to ask your burning organic certification questions and learn about the Transition to Organic Partnership Program. This workshop earns two RAP Agricultural Water Quality education credits. Lunch included, compliments of our friends at Skinny Pancake.

2024 Pizza Socials

Join us for a wood-fired pizza dinner at an incredible local farm. Everyone is welcome for an evening of delicious food and joyful connection! 

Gluten-free and dairy-free pizza available onsite upon request.

Please get your tickets in advance! Pizza socials are sliding scale, $15-$30

We aim to keep our event prices low, but if registration is a barrier, please reach out about scholarships. NOFA-VT offers the option of free registration to anyone who identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC) in an effort to actively work toward dismantling systems of racism that have historically disadvantaged BIPOC and continue to do so today. Learn more.

Miller Farm milk bottle in the pasture surrounded by happy grass-fed cows

Wed., 7/10 | Miller Farm (Vernon)

Founded in 1916, the Miller family has operated this historic dairy farm for five generations, which now expands over 700 acres in the Connecticut River Valley. RSVP and enjoy dinner baked in NOFA-VT’s wood-fired pizza oven and soft serve ice cream made from Miller Farm milk, followed by hayrides and a farm tour. The Miller Farm cows look forward to meeting you!

Bakers surround the wood-fired oven at Naga Bakehouse

Thurs., 7/18* | Naga Bakehouse (Middletown Springs)

*this event has been rescheduled from its original date of 7/17

Naga Bakehouse is a family-run wood-fired bakery, gristmill, and micro-farm in Middletown Springs. Committed to relocalizing the food system, owners Julie Sperling and Doug Freilich directly source grains and bakery ingredients from local organic farmers. With 2022 NOFA-VT Resilience Grant funds, Julie and Doug are creating a regional flour mill that brings delicious foods back to the grain shed and builds a vibrant, local economy. RSVP and enjoy dinner baked in NOFA-VT's wood-fired pizza oven, followed by a tour.

Will, Pauline, and Judy Stevens of Golden Russet Farm with their farm fields in the background

Wed., 7/24 | Golden Russet Farm (Shoreham)

Golden Russet Farm has been a family-run, certified organic farm since 1987. Pauline, Judy, and Will Stevens, along with their crew, grow and sell seedlings for their spring nursery farmstand and fresh vegetables, herbs, and cut flowers for local farmers markets throughout the year. With a hyper-local focus, the farm distributes the majority of their produce within 15 miles of the farm. RSVP and enjoy dinner baked in NOFA-VT’s wood-fired pizza oven, followed by a farm tour.

Foote Brook Farm crew surrounding their tractor

Thurs., 8/15 | Foote Brook Farm (Johnson)

Third-generation farmers Tony and Joie Lehouillier own and operate Foote Brook Farm, a 100-acre diversified, certified organic produce farm in Johnson. They grow over 145 varieties of organic vegetables, as well as 25 acres of sod grass near the convergence of the Lamoille River and Foote Brook. RSVP and enjoy dinner baked in NOFA-VT's wood-fired pizza oven, followed by a farm tour featuring a walk through a field of blooming sunflowers!

Snug Valley Farm pigs

Tues., 8/27 | Snug Valley Farm (East Hardwick)

Snug Valley Farm raises grass-fed and pasture-raised meats with respect, sustainability, and the environment as guiding values. After many years of successful dairy farming and Holstein breeding, Snug Valley Farm transitioned to raising pasture-raised meats. RSVP and enjoy dinner baked in NOFA-VT’s wood-fired pizza oven, followed by a pasture walk to learn more about intensively managed holistic grazing.

Vermont Sunrise over agricultural fields

Fri., 9/6 | New Suns Fall Festival (North Thetford)

Join us at the New Suns Fall Festival in North Thetford! New Suns Community Center is the first land donation received by the Every Town Project, through the Northeast Farmers of Color (NEFOC) Land Trust. The Every Town Project is an initiative focused on securing permanent land access and stewardship for People of Color in every town in Vermont. New Suns is evidence of what is possible when reparations are centered. New Suns, formerly a church, has been converted to a community gathering space with a Liberation Library, tool library, and food shelf centering the Releaf Collective, NEFOC network members, and other Black, Indigenous, and community members of Color. Please RSVP to secure your ticket that covers your entrance and snacks from NOFA-VT’s wood-fired pizza oven. Bring a picnic or purchase delicious food from other local vendors! After dinner, enjoy a tour through the center to learn more about its programs and happenings. There will be a lively trade and barter night market, and a dance party centering BIPOC rhythms and grooves until late. All are welcome!

2024 Farmer Olympics

Farmers participating in relay races at a past Farmer Olympics event

Wed., 8/7 | Farmer Olympics (Enosburg Falls)

 Farmer Olympics has become an annual tradition for NOFA-VT and we’re excited to host this year’s games at Flack Family Farm in the northwest part of the state. Farmers, start putting together a team today! This fun-filled event brings together farms from around the state for a silly mid-summer break from work. Come join us for friendly competition, delicious pizza, and camaraderie. Farm teams compete in both physical and brainy activities, and dinner from the NOFA-VT pizza oven closes out the night. Spectators are also welcome to attend and cheer on your local farmers!



Have a question? Please reach out to NOFA-VT Events Coordinator Hannah Sporn at [email protected] or our office at 802-434-4122.

Cow watercolor

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Funding for this summer's on-farm events Series was made possible by Canaday Family Charitable Trust, Conservation Innovation Grants Program at USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service Vermont State Office, Farm Credit Northeast AgEnhancement, Forrest and Frances Lattner Foundation, Green Mountain Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation, Stonyfield Organic, USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Transition to Organic Partnership Program, USDA’s Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities, and Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets Clean Water Initiative Program.

USDA's Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) logo


Stonyfield Organic logo


If you'd like to become a sponsor of NOFA-VT's On-Farm Summer Event Series, please contact Cailey Gibson, Development Manager, at 802-434-7186 or email [email protected].