Each year, Rural Vermont and NOFA-VT invite our farmer members and ally organizations to learn and exchange about the legislative process, advocacy and policy during the Spring legislative session. This event series offers farmers and the agrarian community at large - homesteaders, gardeners, (urban) farmers, medicine makers, and food activists alike - opportunities to speak with lawmakers, voice their real-life issues and to learn more about the legislative process. This in person event at the State House includes a policy briefing and advocacy training with Rural Vermont, NOFA-VT, and allies, the option to testify (in-person or remotely), the chance to meet and greet with your legislators, as well as a tour of the building. To make this event accessible to all, stipends are available for activists! RSVP required. New! Can’t make it in person? You can livestream the event on Youtube (registration still required).
March 23rd Event: Youth, Land Access & Housing
Farming shouldn’t be this hard! While farming itself isn’t rocket science, getting into it is all too often a question of intergenerational wealth, privilege and capital, that must change! Share your devotion and struggle with lawmakers, what it takes to afford farming, to transition or revitalize farms, to repurpose vacation homes into farms, to evolve collective models and to feed local communities. Register now, show up or speak to your ideas - be the change!
RSVP is required for any portion of the event.
Schedule of Events
8:00am - Arrival, Introductions, & Priorities
9:00am - GROUP 1: Testimony in Senate Agriculture Committee (remote optional)
9:00am - GROUP 2: Advocacy Training/ Tour of the State House (in-person only)
10:00am - Regroup - Next steps/ Policy Priorities (in-person only)
11:00am - Lunch
Noon - Meet & Greet Legislators (in-person only)
Important Note: You are more than welcome to attend the day's events without an obligation to testify. If, however, you are planning to attend the day's events and are not choosing to testify, you may not be able to listen to testimony due to capacity limits in the committee rooms.