You’re invited to register your farm for the 6th Annual Vermont Open Farm Week! Like all of you, the Open Farm Week Committee has been navigating the current health crisis carefully and thoughtfully and are thinking creatively about how to deliver this week of events in a way that's safe and responsible. Open Farm Week creates an opportunity for folks to visit farms and connect with Vermont's working landscape. This year, providing this connection feels more important than ever!
For 2020, Open Farm Week (August 10 - 16) will focus on events appropriate for the current pandemic-related guidelines: tours (self-guided or one group/family per farmer), picnics, farm trails, virtual/online events (workshops, guided tastings, etc.), and social media participation (i.e. posting a farm pic of the day), or other creative ideas.
It’s a great opportunity to engage with customers and your community. If you aren’t sure what kind of event to plan, the Open Farm Week Committee offers technical assistance, information, and resources to help craft your on-farm or virtual experience.
Sign up today! Click here for registration form and complete by 7/10.
Farms will not be required to pay to participate in Open Farm Week this year due to the pandemic, but you are still welcome to pay if you are interested and able to, in order to help offset the costs of organizing the event.
For more information, please visit our website or contact Amelia at [email protected] / 802-989-4150