NOFA-VT is partnering with the Vermont Folklife Center's Listening in Place project as they work to document the experiences of Vermonters during the pandemic. In particular, NOFA and the VFC are wondering: "How has the experience of the pandemic influenced how you think about food?"
Do you have thoughts to share? You are invited to participate in two ways:
Join a Virtual Story Circle
Story Circles are a way to share what we're going through individually while also bearing witness to the experience of others. These online gatherings of 6-8 people will be recorded and saved in the VFC's archive for posterity, but in this moment they offer a way to listen deeply and stay connected to our communities at this difficult time. Click below for more information and to sign up for these special, free sessions created for the NOFA community:
- Virtual Story Circle: Friday, May 29, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
- Virtual Story Circle: Saturday, June 6, 9:30 - 11:30 am

Join the VFC's Interview Project
The VFC is also interested in recording interviews to connect with people around the state and learn about their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. These short interviews, done in the "Vox Pop" style (short for vox populi, 'voice of the people') are being conducted remotely via phone or video conference. To learn more and to sign up to be interviewed please fill out an inquiry form here on the VFC website.