2020 NOFA Relief Milker Application

In the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic, NOFA Vermont has made a portion of our Farmer Emergency Fund available specifically to cover the cost of dairy farmers hiring temporary relief milkers.  This program is intended for dairy farm owners or workers to be able to take the time off they need to recover in the event they fall ill, while ensuring that necessary dairy operations continue as normal.

NOFA Vermont has compiled a database of available and qualified relief milkers, organized by geographic area. At the outset of this process we will provide you with a list of potential help for you to contact and arrange shifts. In the event you need to access the relief milker program, please contact Bill Cavanaugh on our farmer services team at bill@nofavt.org or (802) 434-7154. 

Please note:

  • These funds are available to dairy farmers in need, regardless of whether or not they’re certified organic.
  • Funds will be provided to farmers on a reimbursement basis. Please see the attached sheet for the reimbursement form.
  • The intention is that these funds are used to pay a $15/hr hourly rate to a temporary relief milker, with up to a 14 day placement.
  • If a relief worker is needed to cover a sick employee, the farm owner will continue to pay that employee and provide housing (if applicable) for the duration of their absence, up to 14 days.
  • In the event that an illness lasts longer than 14 days please contact NOFA-VT to discuss options.

**Before contracting with a relief milker to begin work, you must contact NOFA-VT to initiate the reimbursement process**

To apply, complete the form online here, or use this printable application (PDF).

For information about non-dairy worker COVID sick pay, please see this page.

For more information please contact:

NOFA Vermont
Relief Milker Program
PO Box 697
Richmond, VT 05477