COVID 19 Sick Pay Support

For information about the dairy relief milker program click here.

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, NOFA Vermont has made funds available specifically to help support farmworkers who fall ill with the virus. While we encourage farm owners to provide sick pay for employees who need to recover,  we recognize that not every farmworker has access to that benefit. Our intention is that these funds can be used to bridge a gap in pay for a time period in which a worker sick with COVID-19 is unable to work and not being paid.

For more information, or help applying for these funds, please contact Bill Cavanaugh on our farmer services team at [email protected] or (802) 434-7154. 

Please note:

  • These funds are made available as a last resort in the event that a farm owner is not able to access federal or state relief funding.
  • These funds are available to farmworkers in need, regardless of whether or not they work on a certified organic farm.
  • The intention is that these funds are used to pay a $15/hr hourly rate to a farmworker who is sick with COVID-19 and does not have access to sick pay.
  • In the event that an illness lasts longer than 14 days please contact NOFA-VT to discuss options.

To apply, complete the form online here