Please vote by April 7th, 2019!
According to our by-laws, NOFA-VT shall have not less than 9 and not more than 12 directors. The Nominating Committee develops a board slate based on self-nominations, nominations from other members, or committee nominees. Brief bios of the nominees are below. The following criteria are taken into account when developing the board slate: gender balance, geographic representation, and skills and expertise. Board members are elected for 3 year terms and may serve three consecutive three year terms. The Board Governance Committee recommended that we not have a competitive election, and instead nominate a slate based on the number of open seats.
Vote here
Prospective Board Members:

Abbie Corse farms with her parents, Leon and Linda, at The Corse Farm Dairy, the family’s 6th generation, 150 year-old dairy in the hills of very southern VT. She is cheered on in her efforts by husband Dave (a local builder) and their two children, Eli and Niko. With a background in the Arts, a degree in Journalism/Global Studies, and a love of photography Abbie is committed to being an active, engaged member building a sustainable and organic VT food system.

John Hayden and his wife Nancy have owned and operated The Farm Between, an organic fruit farm and nursery in Jeffersonville, VT for the past 26 years. John is committed to promoting healing through biodiversity-based land stewardship and access to healthy local organic food for all. He has served on the NOFA board previously and would be honored to serve again.

Caitlin Jenness currently works as the Chief Financial Officer for Citizen Cider, a hard cider producer in Burlington, VT. From 2012-2014, Caitlin worked for NOFA-VT, first in the Certification Program and then in the Farmer Services Program. Caitlin has lived with her husband Miles in Huntington since 2006, where they enjoy small-scale homesteading projects including raising pigs, lambs, chickens, bees, and keep a small vegetable garden.