NOFA-VT is now accepting applications for the 2019 Journey Farmer Program. This two-year program enables new farmers to advance their farming skills and experiences while being a part of a learning community of other beginning farmers and farmer mentors.

Accepted Journey Farmers receive a range of services including: farmer-to-farmer mentoring, $500 educational stipend, free admission to NOFA-VT Winter Conference and On-Farm Workshops, business planning support and technical assistance, and access to the Journey Farmer Network.
Applications are due Tuesday, December 11th. We will review applications and then schedule interviews between December 18-19, 2018.
To learn more and apply, visit:
If you have any questions regarding the program, criteria for selection, or the application process, please contact:
Jaime Silverstein
NOFA-VT Farm Business Advisor
802-434-4122 x33
[email protected]