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On Thursday, March 23rd, NOFA-VT and Rural Vermont members and allies took to the state...
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The People's Farmstand was a recipient of one of the 65 Resilience Grants NOFA-VT supported...
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On January 26, 2023, NOFA-VT staff and seven organic dairy farmers testified in a joint...
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A few bills have been introduced in the House that we're currently keeping an eye...
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What is a CSA? CSA—short for Community Supported Agriculture—is a sales model that connects people...
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The latest: Last week we asked you to contact your House Reps in support of...
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Organic dairy farmers pleaded with state lawmakers in both the Senate and House agriculture committees...
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Every lost organic dairy farm makes Vermont less climate resilient, less economically resilient, less food...
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Get these monthly dispatches from farmers right in your inbox by subscribing to News From...
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We're currently seeking multiple volunteers to support our operations! Data Entry and Office Work We're...
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For the 2023-2024 legislative biennium, about one third of each chamber (House and Senate) will...
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NOFA-VT is convening a cohort of experienced farmers (those who consider themselves beyond start-up phase)...
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Get these monthly dispatches from farmers right in your inbox by subscribing to News From...