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Vermont's Summer Meals program is in full swing! This week we highlight an innovative partnership...
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In 2013, my husband and I started Good Heart Farmstead with the mission to make...
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The New England Farmlink Collaborative is Here for You Burlington, VT – Whether you’ve got...
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“The whole purpose of this is to feed hungry kids good food,” announced Mary Dunn...
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After gathering input from organic farmers, researchers, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), and the...
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Two critical programs that support farmers and farmers markets in Vermont are under threat. The...
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On Capitol Hill, the Organic Trade Association (OTA) represents the interests of the now $43...
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As a member of the National Organic Coalition (NOC), each year NOFA Vermont travels to...
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If you prefer to stay away from pesticides & fungicides used in conventional growing, try...
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Oppose Any Further Delay of the Organic Animal Welfare Rule! Comment by June 9th. After...
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At their spring meeting in Denver last month, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) heard...
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This is the last in our series of blog posts profiling the various office dogs...
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Click on the links below to meet the other dogs Go to: Laila | Linus...
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Do you have an eye-catching photo that you think captures the organic agriculture scene in...
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Last fall, NOFA-VT received a USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant to support direct market...