NOFA-VT is requesting renewed base funding from the Vermont Legislature to strengthen local farm viability and address food security by sustaining two proven programs: Crop Cash and Farm Share. The public investment in NOFA-VT’s longstanding food security programs will have an outsized impact on Vermont communities by ensuring that low-income Vermonters can purchase fresh, local food and Vermont farmers receive a reliable, fair price for their goods.
State funding is necessary to maximize the federal and philanthropic dollars these programs can leverage. The State of Vermont can make policy choices that will ensure food security for everyone who lives here, while ensuring our farmers can profit from growing the food we all need. Public funding marks a crucial step forward on the Vermont Food Security Roadmap, a guide to ensuring all Vermonters are food-secure by 2035.
We were grateful to be awarded a one-time allocation from the State Legislature in 2024 to support these programs and are heartened by the momentum we have toward meaningful food security in our state. This base funding request marks a crucial next step forward. Voice your support for the campaign by filling out the digital supporter form.
Crop Cash
Crop Cash doubles 3SquaresVT (SNAP) benefits for fruits and vegetables purchased at Vermont farmers markets. The program is federally funded, but a local match is required. State funds will allow us to continue to meet increased demand and draw down as much federal funding as possible.
Crop Cash Plus
Crop Cash Plus, a 2023 pilot, expanded Crop Cash to all SNAP-eligible foods1 and extended the program’s impact to all agricultural vendors. During the 2023 season, Crop Cash Plus brought over $200,000 in additional revenue to Vermont farmers, and supported low-income Vermonters.
In 2024, Crop Cash Plus was not funded, but we have an opportunity to bring it back for the 2025 season. State funding is needed so that hundreds more farmers will benefit, and thousands of low-income Vermonters can purchase more local, fresh food.
Farm Share
The Farm Share Program has subsidized CSA shares2 for limited-income Vermonters for 30 years. The Farm Share Program pays for 25-75% of the CSA cost. State funding would allow us to support up to 700 families in purchasing a consistent supply of locally grown food.
1 SNAP-eligible foods include most foods intended for human consumption, excluding hot prepared meals, tobacco, and alcohol.
2 CSA (also known as Community Supported Agriculture) is a sales model that connects people directly with farmers. When you sign up for a CSA at a farm, you pay in advance for a
portion (or “share”) of the farm’s upcoming harvest, and receive a weekly box of food all season.