Feeding Those Who Feed Us

Wood-fired yumminessOut of gratitude for our local farmers & Farmworkers who are working so hard to feed our Vermont communities, we will be feeding those who feed us!

Staff of NOFA-VT traveled the state with its mobile pizza oven this summer, cooking delicious wood-fired lunches for hard-working farm crews. At may of the stops, one or two neighboring farms (of smaller scale) were invited to pick up meals made for their crews, expanding the number of essential employees fed through this effort.

The program, dubbed “Feeding Those Who Feed Us,” sourced organic and seasonal ingredients from each farm for that crew’s meal. 

“While we aren’t able to gather in our normal ways, we are delighted to use our oven to demonstrate our deep appreciation for the essential workers who are filling our plates,” said Grace Oedel, executive director of NOFA-VT. “These farmers and farmworkers have continued their hard work throughout the pandemic ensuring we all stay nourished, and we’re enormously grateful!”

The majority of the locations chosen are certified organic farms that employ 5+ farmworkers, utilize best environmental practices, and embody the mission of NOFA-VT. Across the host farms chosen, the growing practices include: creating systems for ecological resilience on the farm; exceptional soil health practices; supporting social justice within the context of food access by participating in our Farm Share program, or participating in the Milk with Dignity program, and employing innovative ideas that can build the food system for our collective future.


Learn more about the farms and people for each location: