We’re living in deeply challenging times. Still, we, as NOFA-VT members, are collectively holding a vision of a verdant, just, and delicious future for all living beings. To get there – despite the chaos we’re surrounded by – we need each other more than ever. Let’s grow our community strength by coming together.
At each meeting we’ll have time to share information, hear from each other, share ideas, and create a shared strategy for answering the question: “what now?”
This is one of two March member meetings held via Zoom (the other will take place on 3/19) and we hope you'll join us!
We are also looking to identify folks who want to co-host a member meeting at their home, farm, or business in the coming months as we look to show up and engage with members in communities all around the state. Email Erin, NOFA-VT's Deputy Director of Engagement and Development at [email protected] if you’re interested in collaborating with us to host a member meeting in your neck of the woods.
Please note that attendees must be members of NOFA-VT. We offer a range of membership levels for every budget, starting at $1. You can learn more about membership and join us in this exciting work at nofavt.org/join.
Also note that if this date or location doesn’t work for you, we’ll be offering future opportunities to gather around the state, so stay tuned.
Together is the way!