Raising Healthy Heifers: Dairy Herd Health Workshop Series

Taconic End Farm, 1395 Leicester-Whiting Road, Leicester, VT 05733
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Contact Name
Kelsie Meehan
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The Taconic End Farm tour focuses on how they raise calves and best practices to consider when raising replacements. Grazing expert Sarah Flack discusses pasture management for heifers. Topics will include colostrum management, milk feeding, housing, scours, and calfhood pneumonia.

UVM Extension is offering a Dairy Herd Health workshop series from July--November, hosted by veterinarian Dr. Dayna Locitzer. The series starts with 3 on-farm sessions this summer, followed by 3 webinars this fall.

All workshops are free and registration is required at: https://go.uvm.edu/herdhealth

Dr. Dayna Locitzer has over 10 years’ experience working with pasture-based dairies in the Northeast. She currently works as a large animal veterinarian at Green Mountain Bovine Clinic in Chesterfield, N.H. and worked on organic dairy farms in New York’s Hudson Valley for 6 years before starting veterinary school.

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