Farmer Olympics

Smokey House Center (426 Danby Mountain Rd, Danby, VT 05739)
Start Date
End Date
Contact Name
Zea Luce

Farmer Olympics has become an annual tradition for NOFA-VT and we’re excited to host this year’s games in the southwest part of the state. Farmers, start putting together a team today! This fun-filled event brings together farms from around the state for a silly mid-summer break from work. Come join us for friendly competition, delicious pizza, and camaraderie. Farm teams come up with names and costumes or team t-shirts, and compete in both physical and brainy activities. Dinner from the NOFA-VT pizza oven closes out the night. Spectators are also welcome to attend and cheer on your local farmers!

4-4:15: Check-in/teams arrive, get settled, practice cheers, eat snacks

4:30: Welcome, opening ceremony, introduce teams, teams show off their cheers

4:45-6:00: Games

6:15: Closing ceremony, group photo, awards given out to top 3 winners and team spirit

6:30-7:30: Pizza social 

Smokey House Center in Danby is a living laboratory that advances ecologically sound farming and forestry. The center integrates research and innovation with its farmer, forester, and academic partners on the 5,000+ acres of forest and farmland. It provides work and learning that includes local youth and that is intended to map out a progressively more sustainable relationship with the land for all of us. Smokey House is always excited to hear from farmers about what sort of topics they should be focusing their research and programing efforts on!


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