Approaching Nutrient Management in a Changing Climate

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Kevin Haggerty
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Dynamic weather patterns brought about by a changing climate pose new challenges to producers throughout the Northeast. Among them is the question of how to appropriately manage nutrient availability in response to increased weather volatility. In this forum, Becky Maden will discuss how to proactively approach nutrient management decision making leading up to and throughout a season. With a focus on understanding the ways in which extreme weather patterns impact farm fertility, we will explore how to apply farm management strategies to better build resilience into crop production systems. After her presentation, participants will engage in a facilitated discussion, sharing their experiences, successes, and challenges in adjusting nutrient management approaches in response to climate change. Come to listen, share your experiences, ask questions, troubleshoot, and be inspired about new systems that may make your own farm more climate resilient. 

Becky Maden learns from and supports vegetable farmers through her work with UVM Extension, has been a commercial organic farmer for over two decades, is currently farming with her family at Singing Cedars Farmstead in Orwell, VT, and serves on the NOFA-VT board.

The Climate Forums are brought to you by NOFA-VT and MOFGA. This event is one in a three-part series discussing Managing Agricultural Systems in a Changing Climate. At the registration link, you can choose to attend whichever sessions you wish. Our first session is focused on nutrient management for crop producers, our second session focuses on grassland fertility management, and our third session discusses farm water planning for diverse production types. 


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