Multiple positions open at Honey Field Farm

Contact Name
Valerie Woodhouse
Phone Number
We're hiring for our 2024 growing season! 

Do you or someone you know love working outside, getting a work out on the job or talking about last year's garden? We're looking for you!

Join our team of 20 hard-working people growing annual and perennial flowers for the garden, cut flowers, organic veggie and herb starts, and 12 acres of organic vegetables in Norwich VT. We're hiring for multiple positions this season.
We have limited on-farm affordable housing available for full season employees to rent, inquire for more details. 
Our commitments to our employees include comprehensive training, opportunities to specialize and grow skills, respect for you and your time (on and off the farm), sharing the "why" behind our practices and connecting with the bigger farm picture.
Open positions:  
-- Greenhouse production team
-- Vegetable production crew
-- Social media assistant
-- Farm stand & farmers market retail team
-- Farm stand & CSA coordinator
-- Barn coordinator
-- Equipment & infrastructure lead
We offer part-time or partial seasons that are a great fit for students, retirees and folks with their own small businesses looking for some extra work. Seasonal start and end dates can be flexible around school, other jobs and family schedules. Please don't hesitate to reach out to see if the position is right for you.
Honey Field Farm is an equal opportunity employer and values diverse representation in Vermont's farm community. We encourage BIPOC, women-identified, queer, and trans folx to apply.
Learn more on our website and send questions and inquiries to [email protected]
We hope to see you this season at Honey Field Farm!