Take Action to Save the Pollinator Protection Act

H.706, a bill to restrict the use of neonicotinoids and protect pollinators, passed the House and Senate with strong majority support in both chambers. Unfortunately, on May 20th (World Bee Day), Governor Scott chose to veto the bill, claiming it was "more anti-farmer than it was pro-pollinator."

Comprehensive research by Cornell in recent years has demonstrated that neonics are not nearly as effective as chemical companies have claimed in improving farmers' yields or protecting their crops. At the same time, we know they are highly toxic to bees and other pollinators and persist in our environment long after they're applied. Continuing to allow the widespread, prophylactic use of neonics not only harms life forms we all depend on for the food we eat, but also harms organic farmers whose systems rely on biological diversity and healthy ecosystems to thrive.

Please contact your state rep and senator(s) TODAY and urge them to override Governor Scott's veto when they reconvene for a veto session on June 17th!

When you write or call, include a simple message like the one below - or write your own personalized message.

"Dear [Representative / Senator _______],

My name is [Your Name] and I'm your constituent from [Your City/Town]. I'm writing to urge you to vote to override Governor Scott's veto of H.706, the pollinator protection bill, when you reconvene on June 17th.

H.706 takes meaningful steps toward eliminating toxic pesticides from our environment, while  providing both seed companies and farmers ample time to make the changes we are calling for.

We need to move toward farming systems that support healthy ecosystems, and this bill does just that while allowing farmers the time they need to transition.

Thank you,

[Your Name]"


We're also encouraging farmers, farmworkers, and food system professsionals to add their names to this sign-on letter articulating the importance of phasing out the use of neonic-treated seeds for the health of our soils, waterways, pollinators, and bodies. 

Thank you for taking action to advance this important piece of legislation!