Contact Us

Have a specific question about one of our programs? Please visit our staff directory and email the appropriate person directly.

Interested in organic certification? Learn more on the Vermont Organic Farmers website or email the certification team. Vermont Organic Farmers is the certification LLC owned by NOFA-VT.

telephoneGive Us a Call

(802) 434-4122

Fax Us

(802) 329-3033

Reach Us by Email

[email protected] (or fill out the webform)

Mailing Address

PO Box 697, Richmond, VT 05477

Visit Us

Our office at 14 Pleasant Street in Richmond is open to the public Monday through Thursday, 9am-3pm. Please note, however, that our work environment is hybrid and many of our team members work remotely. If you would like to speak to a specific person or engage on a specific topic, we encourage you to consult our staff directory and reach out to the appropriate staff member via phone or email to make an appointment.